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Corporate Social Responsibility


We are grateful to our employees, our community partners and our members for their continued trust in NASA Federal Credit Union and their faith in our shared mission. In 2024, NASA Federal and our 397 employees delivered the following benefits:


Responsible Home Ownership

In 2024, NASA Federal Credit Union was responsible for more than $286 million in innovative mortgage products designed for homebuyers with little or no down payment, including first-time homebuyers, conforming and jumbo first mortgages, fixed rate seconds and home equity lines of credit.

Economic Opportunity

Economic Opportunity

In 2024, NASA Federal provided $1.25 million in liquidity assistance for smaller and Latino credit unions to serve lower-to-moderate income communities.



Charitable Giving & Employee Volunteerism

Charitable Giving & Employee Volunteerism

In 2024, NASA Federal Credit Union gave $100,000 in philanthropic donations to college scholarships, Children's Hospitals, and local food banks.

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship

NASA Federal Credit Union invests in LED lighting and improved HVAC efficiencies, which results in an annual 228 ton reduction in our carbon footprint.

Employee Knowledge

Employee Knowledge

NASA Federal Credit Union invested more than 14,479 hours of financial and leadership training for employees.


Team NASA Federal supporting the Children's Miracle Network at the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Race.

1 The Credit Union National Association’s (CUNA) most recent Member Benefits Report estimates that NASA Federal provided $104 million in direct financial benefits to its members in 2023 when compared to other financial institutions.

Confidential information such as account numbers and social security numbers should not be sent by email for security reasons. Instead, please contact us directly at 1-888-NASA-FCU, send us a secure message through Online Banking or Mobile Banking, or visit your nearest branch.

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